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Tag: hair treatment in chandigarh

28 Feb 2019
Chandigarh hair transplant

Why hair transplant is a better option than covering your hairs?

There are two types of bald people in the world.


And these:

Hair transplant before and after : Hair loss can be a distressing experience, affecting one’s self-esteem and overall well-being. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have made hair transplant procedures more effective than ever before. If you’ve been considering a hair transplant to regain a full head of hair, you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various aspects of hair transplant procedures, from understanding the causes of hair loss to the different techniques available today.

Understanding Hair Loss

To tackle hair loss effectively, it’s crucial to comprehend the underlying causes. Whether it’s genetic factors, hormonal changes, or environmental factors, understanding the root cause can help determine the most appropriate hair transplant approach. Exploring the types and stages of hair loss will provide a clearer perspective on the procedure’s potential benefits and limitations.

Types of Hair Transplant Procedures: 

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE is a minimally invasive technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them in the balding or thinning areas. This technique offers natural-looking results, minimal scarring, and a quicker recovery period.
  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): FUT, also known as strip harvesting, involves removing a strip of tissue from the donor area and dissecting it into individual follicular units for transplantation. While it leaves a linear scar, FUT can be an excellent option for individuals requiring extensive hair restoration.

Why Is Hair Transplant A Better Option Than Covering Your Hair, check hair transplant before and after?

A hair transplant is often considered a better option than covering your hair for several reasons:

Permanent solution:

A hair transplant provides a long-term and often permanent solution to hair loss. It involves transplanting healthy hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back or sides of the head) to the bald or thinning areas. Once the transplanted hair follicles establish themselves, they continue to grow naturally like the rest of your hair.

Natural-looking results:

A well-performed hair transplant can provide natural-looking results. Skilled surgeons take into account factors such as hairline design, hair density, and the direction of hair growth to create a result that blends seamlessly with your existing hair. The transplanted hair grows naturally and can be styled, cut, and treated just like the rest of your hair.

Eliminates the need for concealing products:

Covering your hair to hide baldness or thinning areas often involves using products like wigs, hairpieces, or concealing powders. While these methods can offer temporary solutions, they may require constant maintenance, and adjustments, and can be prone to shifting or revealing. With a hair transplant, you don’t need to rely on such products anymore, as the transplanted hair becomes a permanent part of your scalp.

Boosts self-confidence:

Hair loss can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem and confidence. By restoring natural hair growth through a hair transplant, individuals often experience an improvement in their self-image, leading to increased confidence and a better quality of life. Feeling comfortable and confident in your appearance can positively impact various aspects of your personal and professional life.

Cost-effective in the long run:

While hair transplant procedures may initially seem more expensive than temporary hair-covering methods, they can be cost-effective in the long run. Covering hair loss with products like wigs or concealers often requires ongoing purchases, maintenance, and replacements. On the other hand, a transplant is a one-time procedure that provides a permanent solution, eliminating the need for continuous investment in temporary solutions.

It’s important to note that hair transplants may not be suitable for everyone, and it’s crucial to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to determine your candidacy and explore the most appropriate treatment options based on your individual needs and expectations.

Preparing for a Hair Transplant: 

  • Consultation and Evaluation: Before undergoing a transplant, a thorough consultation with a qualified surgeon is essential. They will evaluate your hair loss pattern, scalp condition, and overall health to determine the most suitable treatment plan.
  • Pre-Procedure Guidelines: Your surgeon will provide specific instructions to follow before the procedure, such as avoiding certain medications, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Following these guidelines will ensure optimal results and reduce the risk of complications.

The Hair Transplant Procedure: 

Donor Area Harvesting:

During the procedure, the surgeon will harvest

Hair follicles from the donor area, typically located at the back or sides of the head. This area is chosen because the hair is genetically resistant to balding.

Graft Preparation:

The extracted hair follicles are then carefully prepared for transplantation. The surgeon will create recipient sites in the balding or thinning areas, taking into account the natural hair growth pattern and desired aesthetic outcome.

Graft Placement: The prepared grafts are meticulously placed into the recipient sites, ensuring proper angulation, density, and alignment to achieve a natural-looking result. The procedure may take several hours or multiple sessions, depending on the extent of hair loss and the desired outcome.

Post-Transplant Care and RecoveryFollowing the hair transplant procedure, proper post-operative care is crucial for successful healing and optimal results. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to clean the scalp, manage any discomfort, and protect the newly transplanted hair. It’s important to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the grafts establish and grow effectively.

Expectations and Results:

Transplant results are not immediate, and it takes time for the transplanted hair to grow. Understanding the timeline of hair growth and the potential for multiple sessions will help manage expectations. With proper care and patience, the transplanted hair will gradually grow, providing a fuller and more natural-looking head of hair.

Choosing the Right Surgeon:

Selecting a qualified and experienced is very important. Hence we recommend you to going to a surgeons like Dr. Rahul Goyal.

Hair transplant surgeon is crucial for a successful outcome. Consider factors such as their expertise, credentials, before-and-after photos of previous patients, and patient testimonials. A reputable surgeon will ensure your safety, provide honest advice, and deliver the desired results.


Hair transplant before and after : Hair transplant procedures have revolutionised the way we combat hair loss, offering individuals the opportunity to regain their confidence and transform their appearance. By understanding the causes of hair loss, exploring the available techniques, and following the appropriate pre and post-transplant care, you can embark on a journey towards rediscovering your self-esteem and enjoying a fuller head of hair. Remember, consulting with a qualified professional is essential to determine the best course of action for your unique situation. Contact us to get a free consultation call. 


14 Feb 2019
Hair Transplantation Chandigarh

5 Common Misconceptions about Hair transplant in Chandigarh

Today, I was reading a comment on one of our posts on Hair transplant:

“The procedure is fake.”

Just like every doctor who has spent his life curing people off baldness and giving them a new lifestyle —  my first reaction was to get angry.

What else would you do when someone questions the credibility that you have worked so hard to earn.

But then I realised that the main reason behind this behavior is that people are not aware. They are still living with misconceptions in mind which are needed to be cleared as soon as possible.

So, I decided to come with this blog in which I will bust all:

Hair Transplant in Chandigarh: Common Myths that People have

Have a look:

1. Hair Transplant is Fake

Let’s begin with the myth that caused writing this blog.

Most people believe that it’s not possible to grow fallen hairs back.

However, scientific studies have proved that growing back fallen hairs is possible.

The idea is to take hairs from body parts that have an excess amount of hairs and then graft them on your head.

You can read more about the procedures here.

2. Hair Transplant is Costly

As I discussed in my previous blog, some hospitals use big advertising terms that create an impression that hair transplant is a costly procedure.

In real, it isn’t.

If you’re a regular working person, you can easily afford it.

Rest, you can book an appointment with us for more help and advice.

3. Hair Transplant is Painful

Another concern that people when people come for hair transplant at Cosmo Hair is that they might feel pain while undergoing the procedure.

Well, the only pain you’ll feel is a the needle sting when you’re given the local anesthesia.

For the rest of the time, you wouldn’t even know what’s happening.

So, stop believing this myth.

4. Hair Transplant doesn’t last permanently

Well, nothing lasts forever. Not even human life.

Still, it’s assurance that if you follow the instructions of your hair transplant surgeon, the transplanted hairs can last for years.

5. Complications can occur

Yes, complication can occur. But they occur if you don’t follow our instructions carefully.

Or hide something from us during the appointment (like medical history, allergy, or any genetic disease).

So, make sure you’re sharing everything with your hair transplant surgeon during the appointment.

What to Take Away?

There are only two reasons we hate something:

Either we don’t understand it or we understand it wrong.

So, first we just need to try to understand things and fix all the myths that you have.

Hopefully, this blog helped you clear most of these myths.

If it has, feel free to contact us. You’ll get the best hair transplant in Chandigarh at Cosmo Hair. It’s our assurance.

Hurry up!


08 Feb 2019
Hair Transplant Clinic in Chandigarh

3 common mistakes to avoid while choosing a Hair transplant Clinic

This is the story of one of my patients, Aarif!

I was horrified to see this 25 years young old man for the first time in my hospital. His head was filled with scars.

When I asked him, he told that he had undergone hair transplant from another clinic. But then complications occurred during the procedure. Hairs didn’t grow but left him with permanent scars.

So, you saw how choosing a wrong hair transplant clinic did cost a person his money and his beauty.

That’s why it’s always recommended to be careful while choosing a hair transplant surgeon and for that, you’ll have to avoid some small yet critical mistakes.

Have a look:

Common mistakes to avoid while choosing a hair transplant clinic

1. Falling for deals and offers

50% off on FUE hair transplant.

Such deals look tempting. But there’s also a dark side to them.

In most of such cases, either the hospital turns out to be fake or the hospital lacks facilities.

In the end, people are only left with guilt that they wasted their valuable time and money.

What to do?

Before you jump into the action after seeing an ad, stop for a while and think from the perception of the hospital. This will stop you from taking wrong decision.

2. Not doing enough research

Another common mistake that people do while choosing a hair transplant clinic is to rely on the suggestions of their friends or relatives but not doing any research on their own.

This is what happens in such cases:

You know nothing about the hospital. You have no idea of who your surgeon is or if he’s qualified enough to perform the procedure.

Still, you believe your relatives and go for the procedure. Later, complications occur and you’re left with even worse condition.

What to do?

Before you choose a hospital for hair transplant, do enough online research. You can read blogs, reviews on Google, or even talk to people who had undergone the procedure.

3. Not meeting the hair transplant surgeon in person

While we have online access to all types of information online, we must not forget that this information can be molded as per the hospital’s benefit.

Also, if you don’t meet your surgeon in person, you’ll not be able to discuss many things with him like medical history, his experience, or the customers he treated in past, etc.

What to do?

Call your surgeon and schedule an appointment. You can clear a lot of things this way.

Wrapping it up

Avoid these mistakes and choose the hair transplant surgeon who actually values your time, money, and health.

12 Jan 2018

Get Best FUE Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

best FUE Hair Transplant in Chandigarh

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is a modern and minimally invasive surgical technique used for hair transplantation. It is a method of harvesting individual hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) and then transplanting them to the recipient or balding areas of the scalp. If you are considering an FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant in Chandigarh, it’s important to know things about the procedure and what to expect. Here are some key things you need to know:

Consultation and Evaluation:

The process typically starts with a consultation with a qualified hair transplant surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon will assess your hair loss pattern, donor area (the area where hair follicles will be harvested from), and your suitability for FUE. They will also discuss your expectations and provide recommendations.

Procedure Overview:

FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area (usually the back or sides of the head) and transplanting them to the recipient area (where hair is thinning or receding). The procedure is known for its precision and minimal scarring.


FUE is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure. It’s an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day.


The duration of the FUE procedure can vary depending on the number of grafts being transplanted. It may take several hours to complete.


Recovery from FUE is generally quicker than with other hair transplant methods like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). You can expect some mild swelling and redness in the donor and recipient areas, which usually subside within a few days to a week.


Hair growth post-FUE is gradual. You will typically start to see new hair growth within a few months, and it may take up to a year to see the full results. The transplanted hair should be permanent and look natural.


The cost of an FUE hair transplant in Chandigarh varies based on the number of grafts required and the clinic you choose. It’s important to discuss pricing during your consultation and ensure there are no hidden costs.

Choosing a Clinic:

Research and select a reputable hair transplant clinic with experienced surgeons and a track record of successful FUE procedures. Read reviews, ask for before-and-after photos, and inquire about the clinic’s sterilization and safety protocols.


Follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions carefully to ensure the best results. This may include special shampoo, avoiding strenuous activities, and protecting the transplanted area from the sun.

Realistic Expectations:

Understand that while FUE can significantly improve your hairline and density, it may not provide a full head of hair or halt future hair loss. Your surgeon can help set realistic expectations during your consultation.

Here’s an overview of how FUE hair transplant works:

Donor Area Identification:

The first step is identifying a suitable donor area on the patient’s scalp. The back and sides of the head are often selected because the hair in these areas is genetically resistant to the hormone DHT, which causes hair loss in male and female pattern baldness.

Local Anesthesia:

Before the procedure begins, doctors numb the patient’s scalp using local anesthesia. This ensures that the patient is comfortable and does not experience pain during the surgery.

Extraction of Hair Follicles:

Using a special microsurgical instrument like a punch or a robotic device, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area one at a time. This process is meticulous and requires precision to avoid damaging the follicles.

Preparation of Recipient Sites:

Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area where the hair will be transplanted. These incisions are strategically placed to mimic the natural growth pattern and angle of the patient’s existing hair.


The harvested hair follicles are carefully placed into the recipient sites, ensuring that they are oriented correctly and spaced appropriately. This step requires skill and artistry to achieve a natural-looking result.

Healing and Recovery:

After the procedure, the experts typically cover your scalp with bandages or a special dressing. Patients are given post-operative instructions, including how to care for the transplanted area and manage any discomfort or swelling.


Patients will have follow-up appointments with their surgeon to monitor the healing process and discuss any concerns. It may take several months for the transplanted hair to start growing, and the full results can be seen over the course of a year.

Many patients love FUE Hair Transplant in Chandigarh and its surgeons because it leaves minimal scarring in the donor area, consisting of tiny. The dot-like scars that are less noticeable than the linear scar associated with the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. Additionally, FUE is less invasive, has a shorter recovery time, and allows for a more flexible hairstyle as it doesn’t require a long strip of hair to be removed from the donor area.

Remember that the success of your FUE hair transplant largely depends on the skill of the surgeon and the quality of the clinic. Take your time to research and choose a trusted provider in Chandigarh to ensure a safe and satisfying experience.

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