Hair Transplant In Dharamshala

Best Hair Transplant in Dharamshala

We provide the best Hair Transplant in Dharamshala. Hair Transplant Cost in Dharamshala is lowest at our clinic.

Fue Technique is used to treat male pattern baldness. Basically in this technique, bunch of hairs are extracted (Known as grafts) from head’s back side (termed as donor area) and implanted on the bald areas (Usually Front, Side and Crown Areas) of the patient. Microscopic Needles are used for extraction and implantation of grafts. It is completely a Safe Procedure with Assured Results.
Hair Transplant Cost depends on the number of grafts you needed.

Choose your baldness level and Whatsapp your head photographs from 3 angles i.e. TOP, FRONT, BACK.

Why Our Clinic is the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Kinnaur?

1. First of All, our doctor is a MCI approved Plastic Surgeon & their Team is highly experienced in the field of Hair Transplantation. Their way of doing the transplantation itself is a proof of perfection.


2. Also, Special needles are used for anesthesia so that the complete procedure remains virtually pain free.


3. Furthermore, Extraction speed of grafts is one of the highest in the India (1000-1500 grafts per hour). 3000 to 3500 grafts are being extracted routinely.


4. As a Result, Our Graft wastage during extraction is less than 5% as compared to a normal 30% of others.


5. In Addition, Implantation is done by doctors or strictly under their supervision.


Therefore, Don’t Let the Baldness Stress You Anymore. Choose Us, Choose Best Men Hair Transplant in Kinnaur.